Watch some metrics using Raspberry and React

Dashboard Preview

Have you ever wondered the state of the air in your apartment? Why is it too hot/cold, humid or dry? This article will help you know the state of the air by providing a simple solution using Raspberry Pi, React, and Nodejs.

Hardware requirements:

  • Raspberry Pi 3B+ (maybe lower, but better to have a wifi module to make it easier)

  • DHT22 or similar sensor

  • Cooling (optional)


Connection Diagram


  • Create raspbian bootable usb with Pi Imager, press ctrl+shift+x to open advanced options, setup wifi and ssh
Wifi settings
  • Reserve the IP-address of Pi in the DHCP table of your router (mine is
  • Connect to your Pi via ssh
  • ssh pi@

Install required dependencies

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get upgrade
  • sudo apt install build-essential python-dev git
  • git clone
  • cd Adafruit_Python_DHT
  • sudo python install

To check the sensors is working

  • cd /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples
  • ./ 22 4

You should see output like this

  • Temp=25.1* Humidity=25.4%
  • Install Nodejs and yarn
  • Install serve package globally to serve our frontend
  • sudo yarn global add serve

Start the app

  • git clone
  • cd server
  • Create .env with your API keys (like in .env.example)
  • yarn
  • yarn start
  • cd .. && cd frontend
  • yarn
  • yarn build
  • serve -s build
  • Now go to your Pi address:3000 with any device in your local network to see dashboard

Add dashboard to Raspberry startup

  • sudo nano /etc/rc.local
  • Add the following lines (cd /home/pi/fun/react-raspberry-dashboard/client; serve -s build) & (cd /home/pi/fun/react-raspberry-dashboard/server; yarn start) &
  • sudo reboot

Now our server and client should start on the Pi startup